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View Our Achievers to see the remarkable accomplishments of our outstanding individuals.


Swastika Maheshwari

P. Mujib ulla Khan

P. Hafiz ulla Khan


Get Khyathi with Khyati.

Welcome to our academy, your gateway to success in the Civil Services Examination.

Beyond academics, we instill values and ethics, empowering you to become a responsible administrator. Crafted through dedication, leaders emerge here, driven by imagination and encouragement, fostering creativity for goal achievement. Literacy is a foundation, nurturing ethical values from the start.
Our academy is a hub of shared ideologies and experiences. Mentorship goes beyond grooming: it nurtures modern perspectives, enlightening views towards the nation's integrity and the path to a better society. With us, defeat is not an option; success is a thrilling journey.
Our vision is to shape leaders and innovators. Our dedicated faculty guides you to emerge not just as a knowledgeable professional but also as a responsible global citizen.
Join us and feel the difference!

Khyati Kosta

Assistant Director, SAFI IAS Academy

Become a Leader with us.

Let us help you reach new heights and become the best version of yourself.

A Leader Mindset

Embrace the path of leadership, aspiring civil servants! Our course isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about cultivating a mindset primed for success in the dynamic world of public service. We equip you with the essential tools to navigate complexities, seize opportunities, and champion innovation. Leadership isn't just a title; it's a set of principles that drive change and inspire others. Our program fosters resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Join us, and together, let's embark on a journey of transformation, where you'll not only excel in the realm of civil service but also leave a lasting impact on society.

Availability of Residential Coaching & Online Coaching

Dedicated team led by Khyati Kosta (15 years CSE experience)

Experienced Faculties from Delhi’s renowned institutions

Separate Batches for undergraduate & Graduate Candidates

Delhi's Expertise brought to Kerala for Civil Service Aspirants' convenience

Affordable Fee as Compared to Delhi with Scholarship facility for deserving candidates

Experience the journey.

Catch a glimpse of our journey and accomplishments through our collection of reels.

Our Courses.

Choose the Courses that fits your needs:

Our Visionaries.

The establishment of the SAFI IAS Academy is a mission accomplished , done in association with the best-in-class partners. It will support meritorious candidates in their journey to fulfill their dreams. This also aligns well with the vision of SAFI to nurture committed and capable leaders for nation building.

Dr. Azad Moopen , MD FRCP

Chairman, SAFI

Praise is to God for the progress made by the SAFI HR Institute in commencing the SAFI IAS Academy. This has been a much-awaited milestone for SAFI and if God wills may we see it transform our intentions to produce the next generation of leaders with ethics and values for nation building.

Dr. P. Mohamed Ali (Galfar)

Chairman (Emeritus), SAFI

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